We believe the next generation is the future of the church and is going to change the world! Our students have the capacity to experience God, encounter the Spirit, and embrace the world around them as change-agents for Christ.

Girls Ministries:
Friends & Girls Only
is a church-based discipleship program that has a legacy of godly women coming alongside girls, guiding them on a path to become mature and godly women who are lifelong servant leaders. We partner with you to see every girl moving toward a deep relationship with Jesus Christ, and to realize her importance and potential in the Kingdom of God. We meet Wednesdays at 7PM.

Royal Rangers:
Adventure & Expedition
is a mentoring ministry, providing Christ-like character formation in a highly relational and fun environment. Our mission is to Evangelize, Equip and Empower lifelong servant leaders, challenging them mentally, physically, socially and spiritually. We partner with you to help your boys find Christ and grow in their relationship with Him. We meet Wednesdays at 7PM.

Teen Bible Quiz
Teen Bible Quiz is a discipleship ministry for 6th through 12th grade teens. Each year, a different New Testament book or books are memorized by students. Throughout the season, students attend meets within their district to test their ability to memorize and understand God’s Word. District and Regional meets occur in the spring of each year with the top teams advancing to Nationals. Thousands of dollars in scholarships are awarded to students for their hard work.

Summer Camps
Probably the best week of your summer. Camp has been a staple of a great summer in the Ohio Ministry Network for over 70 years. Our camps take place at Heartland Conference Retreat Center, a beautiful year-round Christian conference and retreat center.

Fine Arts
Fine Arts allows students to discover and develop your talents by presenting or submiting entries into divisions like: Art, Communication, Drama, Exhibition, Instrumental, Vocal, or Writing.

REACH Conference
A high-energy weekend of wild fun, engaging speakers, personal growth, spiritual development, and faith-based friendships as we learn to serve and make a difference together.
Radiant Life Youth meets Sunday evening from 6p to 8p for students in 6th through 12th grade. This is a night where you can encounter God who loves you. It's a place where you are free to express yourself in worship, meet friends that will believe in you, and be empowered to change the world!

Matt & Kathryn Sullivan joined the Radiant Life Church leadership team in 2023. Matt and Kathryn believe that the youth are the future to furthering God’s kingdom, and desire to equip them to fulfill their calling. They love building relationships with students and parents and have a strong emphasis on discipleship.
If you have further questions concerning our Radiant Life Youth events or visiting Radiant Life Church with teens, simply click the button below and get in touch with us!